Pictures from the past and things for your consideration from the present.

Friday, September 16, 2005

My Favorite Picture of Dad

This is my favorite picture of Dad.

Sam took it at Katie's wedding and uses it as his computer background.

I guess I like it because it reminds me of Dad as the entertainer in the old gong show days! I remember singing "Where is Love" from Oliver in a Danbury hotspot one night.

Yes, I was gonged. But as always, Dad said, "Steve, you were good!"

He followed it up with his trademark chuckle.

Thanks Dad. You're the best.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Happy Anniversary

49 years!!

We love you both. Have a great day.

Steve and Candy

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My Father-in-law

Chester DuPont, Sr. is one of my all time favorite people. I have created this blog for him so that he can share his vast library of photos with the rest of the world. I am proud to be his son-in-law. Here he is at his grand-daughter's wedding, with his wonderful wife Dot.